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  • cferreira 12:48 pm on July 31, 2015 Permalink

    Interning at Discovery Communications: An Experience Unlike Any Other 

    Carly enjoying her experience at Discovery with her new stuffed shark, Chompie

    By Dean’s Intern Carly Ferreira at Discovery Communications

    I walked into Discovery’s HD Theater yesterday and was stunned by what I saw. In every single seat, there was a huge, furry stuffed shark just waiting for each of the 85 interns to give them a home. After quickly finding a seat and grabbing a shark of my own (which I later named Chompie, of course), I sat back and listened to Discovery’s CEO speak for the next hour and a half. Once again, I thought only at Discovery would I have this opportunity.

    To say I have enjoyed my time at Discovery so far is an understatement. I have loved my time here. The people, the company culture, the internship program, and the opportunities here to grow have truly blown me away. When I walk into work each day, I don’t feel that I am just the intern. Instead, I feel a part of my team. (More …)

  • cferreira 1:37 pm on June 23, 2015 Permalink

    A Time of Discovery at Discovery Communications 

    Carly at Discovery Communications

    By Dean’s Intern Carly Ferreira at Discovery

    It was orientation day, and I had no idea what to expect. How many other interns would be working at Discovery this summer? Would I be working with another intern on projects? What was the company culture like? I walked into orientation nervous and anxious, but by the end of the day, I felt at home.

    Everyone was so nice and welcoming and I could tell that even though there are 85 interns in the program (just in the Silver Spring office alone), Discovery employees truly wanted to get to know who I am and what I am passionate about. Not to mention we got really awesome shark week themed t-shirts by the end of the day, which I have already gotten great use out of. (More …)

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