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  • mlieberman 10:47 am on February 18, 2015 Permalink

    A Range of Responsibilities at The Washington Post 

    Mark at The Washington Post

    By Dean’s Intern Mark Lieberman at The Washington Post

    Just like snowflakes, no two days at the Washington Post are alike. (It’s appropriate that my internship is taking place during the winter.)

    As a Dean’s intern at the Metro desk, I walk in on Mondays and Wednesdays knowing very little about the rest of my day. Sometimes I sit down and an editor hands me a story right away. Other times, it’s up to me to pitch a story idea of my own. Sometimes I can complete the assignments from within the warm confines of the Post’s newsroom – call the family of a hit-and-run victim to find out how he’s doing, confirm the biographical details of a recently deceased congressman. Other times, my tasks take me into DC – try to interview the couple who left their toddlers in a van while they went wine tasting in Georgetown, for instance. My days are never boring. (More …)

  • mlieberman 10:04 am on July 23, 2014 Permalink

    Unexpected opportunities in the USA Today offices 

    By Dean’s Intern Mark Lieberman at USA Today


    Mark at his desk at USA Today

    My favorite aspect of the USA Today internship program is the flexibility. Instead of being restricted to our assigned section (in my case, USA Weekend Magazine), we’re free to roam the newsroom, pursue connections and explore opportunities for substantive work at our own pace.

    During my first week at USA Today, I spoke with Kim Willis, an assignment editor for USA Today’s Life section, about possibly writing some stories for her alongside my duties to Jim Lenahan at USA Weekend. I mentioned some of my entertainment- and music-related interests, including singing competition shows. She said she’d let me know if she had anything for me, and soon afterwards, she did. (More …)

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