Designing and Thriving at USA TODAY
By Dean’s Intern Isabella Lucy at USA TODAY
This internship has been an incredible opportunity for me to grow as a journalist and an artist. Artists are oftentimes told the work they do doesn’t matter, but working on the Interactive News team has shown me how artists, designers and creative minds function in a newsroom and how their contributions are essential to digital storytelling. In a typical day, I work on illustrations, data comparisons and small graphics that show quick facts and statistics called “snapshots” that appear on the front page. One of my ongoing projects includes a series of graphics about the eight counties that will define the election this year. I’ve learned a lot of pro tips and hacks from my coworkers and can say with confidence that my Illustrator game has upped 100%.
Interning at USA TODAY is inspiring and sometimes surreal. My desk is situated right near the main broadcasting stage, so it’s not uncommon to see Olympic athletes or politicians being interviewed on a daily basis. One of the best parts of working at USA TODAY is how friendly everyone is. I felt like I was a part of the team even during my first week, and this sentiment has only continued to grow as the months go by. Last week, the team director invited me to work the newsroom during election night. This election will be my first in the United States, and I can’t think of a place I’d rather be.