By Dean’s Intern Grace Vitaglione at Voice of…
By Dean’s Intern Grace Vitaglione at Voice of America
I’m a sophomore at AU and currently working as a Media Lab intern for Voice of America!
The primary focus of this internship is writing headlines and editing news videos using Adobe Premiere. Our intern team makes videos for the Africa, Asia, America, Portuguese, and World channels. We also have the chance to do stand-up videos for American news and learn how to use the (very nice) video camera and tele-prompter.
While the video editing skills I’ve learned are a huge plus, I also really enjoy the work environment of the Media Lab. Our supervisors are very patient and have a humor of their own, and all the interns have grown to be good friends over the course of the past few weeks. It definitely makes the day go by faster if you can tease your coworkers about their weird lunches (a single packet of Ritz crackers) or current obsessions (we now know way too much about Dungeons and Dragons).
I’ve also found it really interesting to see how a huge broadcasting organization works behind the scenes, especially one that’s pretty unique in its ties to the federal government. Even though I never pictured myself working in broadcasting before this internship, I’ve learned so much at VOA that I could now definitely see myself in that field.
Here is a link to a news video that I edited: