My New Normal at CNN
By Dean’s Intern Mariah Espada at CNN
A normal week at CNN, the worldwide leader of news, is far from normal.
In just a few weeks of my news gathering internship, I have been able to take part in breaking news during one of the most formative times in political history. What I have learned most from the experience is that what appears to be a seemingly flawless show from the comfort of one’s home, is in fact the result of countless moving pieces.
My responsibilities at the bureau have varied. During the 45th president’s impeachment trial, late evenings were logging potential SOT’s for producers to use in their stories. Many days have included rehearsing as an anchor stand-in in preparation of the network’s primary and caucus coverage for early voting states and a highly anticipated Super Tuesday night. Other days have consisted of answering phones for the assignment desk, participating in technical news application trainings, conducting research for the 2020 election, shadowing producers in the control room and assisting various talent during their live panel hits. My personal favorite has been my time on the Hill where I spend countless hours chasing senators and representatives down to ask pressing questions of the day.
With the countless components necessary to make an operation of this magnitude possible, it is evident that no one job is more important than the other— even if it’s just going on coffee runs for tireless reporters. (Caffeine is important!) Now, after over a decade of being a consumer of CNN’s coverage, I can say so far my time with the team has been just as magical as my 12-year-old self had hoped for it to be.