Honing Journalism Skills at Current
By Dean’s Intern Grace Vitaglione at Current
I have loved public media since I was a kid; some of my earliest memories consist of listening to NPR programs on morning car rides. This internship only intensified that passion for public media within me. At Current, I get to report on what’s happening in public media and provide that news to professionals in the field. This has given me a deeper understanding of how the systems of public media operate, and I continue to learn more with each new story. It’s also allowed me to connect with inspiring people who work in public media all over the country.
A typical day at Current involves a morning “huddle” meeting where the news staff updates each other on our work, before I spend the rest of the day reporting on and writing my stories. Being allowed to pitch, interview and write my own stories has honed my journalistic skills so much, and I really enjoy working with the editorial team here. They give me great feedback on my writing and are always supportive of my story ideas. I also have to admit that working where Current is located in the WAMU building (one of my dream places to work) is a huge plus!
My staff profile: https://current.org/author/grace-vitaglione/