Multitasking and multi-learning at NBC4
By Dean’s Intern Ana Rocío Álvarez Bríñez at NBC 4
It is amazing how it feels like a long time has passed since I started my internship at NBC4, yet it has only been a little more than moth. I have learned so much and gained much more confidence in myself than the one I started with. This is my first official internship, and the most important thing I have learned is to accept edits and constructive criticism. I feel extremely lucky to get the chance to intern at a newsroom in which my coworkers are open to teaching and pointing out things I need to do better. That is the purpose of an internship; or at least it is mine.
The hours in a work shift go by so fast because there are a lot of things to do. In a normal day I can clip videos, convert broadcast scripts into digital stories, write stories of my own or look for story ideas to pitch. I also have had the experience of working for the Telemundo 44 team. I translate articles from English into Spanish. This experience has showed me the importance of bilingual people in the newsroom. The Latino and Hispanic communities that live in the United States and do not speak English need to be informed too. As a Puerto Rican I feel honored to contribute a small grain so the Latino community in Washington, D.C. can stay informed.
Links to some of my work: