Living a Dream at National Geographic
Dean’s Intern Madeline Bagley at National Geographic.
When I got the email offering me an internship with National Geographic Channel, I was shocked. I had applied on a whim thinking that National Geographic would be a great place to work at and learn from. I knew that the SOC’s Dean’s Internship would be a great way to reduce the amount of applicants and this was a great way for a big corporation to see what I had to offer. It’s always been a dream of mine to work in the television or movie business and once I got that email saying I got the internship, my dream finally felt within reach.
With in 3 weeks I already felt at home and had learned so much about the television business. I sat in one programming meeting that discussed the schedule and another programming meeting where I got to see the president and CEO present the new shows that National Geographic will be releasing next year. Not only was it cool to see previews of shows before anyone else, I was taken aback that I was in the same room with people so accomplished in the entertainment business.
On a regular basis I archive and deliver footage that the Ad Sales department needs. I’ve gotten to help script certain promos and my fellow Dean’s Intern, Nate Cover, and I are working on a competitive analysis to present to the Ad Sales team at the end of the semester.
Overall, I am so happy I have been given the opportunity to work at such an established company and that I am getting my foot in the entertainment industry. Not only will this look good on my resume, but I am also learning so much about the business of television. I’ve wanted to work in the television and film industry for a long time, but had never experienced how a channel or studio operated. Never being in that environment before, I wasn’t sure if I was actually going to like it. Not only do I enjoy my internship, I feel that entertainment can be a career for me and now I have experience to prove it.