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  • hoaitranbui 11:26 am on March 26, 2014 Permalink
    Tags: , , , washington post   

    Learning the Ropes at the Washington Post 

    HB WaPo

    Hoai-Tran Bui at her desk mid-note taking.

    Dean’s Intern Hoai Tran Bui at The Washington Post

    Sink or swim.

    That’s what it’s like to be a Dean’s Intern at The Washington Post. It’s thrilling, terrifying and satisfying all at the same time—a roller coaster of emotions I never thought I would experience at a 9 to 5 job.

    Unlike many of my previous internships, the Post requires interns to be at the same level of competence as any of their entry-level reporters. There are no “easy” stories or “intern jobs” that we get assigned. It’s be a great reporter, or don’t. Sink or swim.

    I chose swim.

    (More …)

  • Zach C. Cohen 9:47 am on March 26, 2014 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , washington post, writing   

    Keeping D.C. Posted at The Washington Post 

    Zach at Post

    Zach working on a story at his desk at The Washington Post

    Dean’s Intern Zach Cohen at The Washington Post

    As cliche as it sounds, I never imagined I’d have the opportunity to work at The Washington Post. I’m a daily print subscriber, and I have turned to its political coverage ever since arriving in Washington as a freshman at American University.

    Now, thanks to an opportunity afforded to me by American University School of Communication and The Washington Post, some of the industry’s best and brightest reporters and writers sit just a couple of feet away from me in any direction. They cover everything from the White House and foreign policy to deaths of loved ones and panda bears.

    The place runs like clockwork, an organized chaos that manages to put together a full daily newspaper and run a website that is updated minute-by-minute. If you take a look around at my colleagues’ desks, it’s clear they live and breathe this work. Each cubicle is piled high with newspapers, books, notebooks and the occasional coffee cup lid. (More …)

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