Editing Globally at Voice of America

Stephanie MirahBy Dean’s Intern Stephanie Mirah at Voice of America

At Voice of America, I work in the Media Lab (alongside Grace Vitaglione) editing 4-5 headlines for four different regions – America, Asia, Africa and the World – into 60-second videos on Adobe Premiere. My fellow interns and I also record a stand-up of 3 extended headlines for America’s news of the day. We do this project in both English and Portuguese.

This internship has provided me with some of the richest moments of this semester. It is difficult to select one moment that stands-out among the rest, so I will highlight some of my favorites. I enjoyed becoming a stronger video editor and concise headline writer. I enjoyed picking-up on some conversational Portuguese as I edited the Portuguese product. “Bom fim-de-semana” roughly translates to “Have a good weekend!” I enjoyed becoming more geographically aware and broadening my news consumption past the United States. I enjoyed become (slightly) addicted to hazelnut black coffee. I needed something to help me power through those early mornings and my supervisors also do not keep creamer or sugar in the office so I had to adapt. But, most of all, I enjoyed working within such a warm and welcoming environment. My fellow interns become some of my closest friends over the past semester, and my supervisors supported me professionally while also remaining two of the most genuine people I have ever met. I will be sad to leave, yet I am happy that this internship has provided me with some wonderful friendships and practical skills that are easily transferable to my later endeavors.