Interface Media Group Does it All!
By Dean’s Intern Nick Zachar at Interface Media Group
Where do I start? I have been fortunate enough to have not only one, but two Dean’s Internships as a graduate student at AU’s School of Communication. Not only that, but internships with two amazing organizations. Three weeks into my fall internship at Interface Media Group I have had a wide array of experiences — from working on various projects in the studio to beginning development of a case study (short video) about a project that IMG did with one of their clients. One thing I have learned quickly is that IMG DOES IT ALL. I was, and still am, amazed by the amount and variety of projects going on throughout the company.
I came in with big shoes to fill. McKinnon, the previous Dean’s Intern at IMG, obviously had a productive and successful summer. After hearing from everyone how great she was and seeing the work she was able to produce in a short amount of time, I took her advice to ask LOTS of questions and meet everyone, and it has paid off thus far. IMG’s culture is something that makes them unique. The people that I encounter on a daily basis have been so helpful and so willing to teach. I am constantly learning, and I would compare the internship much more to school than work. Actually, it is much more valuable than school.
After only three weeks I have learned more than any semester long class can teach. Although I would like to attribute it to my passion to learn and soak everything up like a sponge, I can truly say that it is more the nurturing environment of people who are so willing to help and teach. I cannot wait to see what the rest of the fall has in store at IMG, and I look forward to updating you on my experiences!