Dreams Come True At NPR
We expect high-quality reporting from NPR, and rightly so. I’m deeply impressed with my team’s level of insight, attention to detail, and appreciation for what’s at stake in American education today. These qualities stem not only from the experience of the reporters—many of whom have served as educators in the past—but also from a scintillating approach to journalism that attracts NPR’s listeners and readers every day.
It’s incredible to have been part of it. Just last week, I saw my first story published. Concerning teachers who make $100,000 or more, it quickly went viral, receiving more than 8,000 shares on Facebook and becoming the website’s second most-read story the same day it went up.
Here’s something else: I got to illustrate the cartoon for the story. I’ve been an illustrator and editorial cartoonist for some years now. I shared my portfolio website—the same one I tweaked and worked on with assistance from professors in my program—and felt privileged to pen, ink, and color the illustration for my story.
I’m working on my second story and continuing to help with legwork for other reporters, and it’s still as surreal and incredible as the first day I started.
All of this is to say: I didn’t see this happening after I graduated. And I’m beyond grateful—to NPR, American University, and the Dean’s Internship program—that it did.