Creating “Creating Camelot” at the Newseum
By Dean’s Intern Gavin Grossman at the Newseum
My first few weeks at the Newseum have been really interesting. The job is a lot of writing, which is a good challenge for me. I’ve been asked to explain complicated topics like Wikileaks in just 250 characters, but also have been asked to describe an image I know nothing about in over a page of detail. While I have done some writing assignments, editing the ADA script for the upcoming “Creating Camelot” exhibit was one of my favorite tasks. “Creating Camelot” is coming to the Newseum this spring, and it is all about JFK’s early years as a President and Senator. It revolves around the photography of Jacques Lowe, the family photographer for the Kennedy’s during their Senate years and JFK’s first campaign. Not only was it a really cool experience to be contributing to the Newseum in such a big way, but also it was the perfect task that combined my Communication and History disciplines I’ve been focused on here at AU. Outside of just the work, the experience has been made great also by my co-workers. I don’t feel like an intern because everyone at the office is super forward and willing to hear my ideas and give them as much weight as anyone. I’m excited to go to work every day, and I can not wait to see what is next for me in the upcoming weeks at the Newseum.