Never a Dull Moment at NBC4
By Dean’s Intern Sarah Cammarata at NBC4
What are you working on? What can we give you to do? What’s another way to write this quote with more detail? What’s the most important questions you should ask your interviewee? These are the questions I’m asked at my internship with NBC 4. There’s never a dull moment working with the digital team at NBC Washington. I was swept up in the action during the Olympics and I learned how to cover breaking news, as something as horrific as the Parkland shooting last month. Working here three full days a week has challenged me to be a better writer, reporter, interviewer and storyteller every day.
My experience here is different from others I’ve had in the journalism industry because the team is especially dedicated to teaching and supporting its interns. After setting out goals for the course of the internship, my co-workers help me achieve them and provide me with opportunities in tune with what I’m interested in. I’m always encouraged to bounce around ideas for a new story idea, pitch original content, and every time I leave my internship, I’ve learned something new. By the end of my time here, I will have a vast portfolio of work that I can be proud of, on a range of different topics. Some of my favorite stories I’ve written so far was about “ashes on the go” (you’ll have to read it to understand what that means) and a synchronized swim team in DC.
I look forward to writing a story about a fellow AU student who is the CEO of a social enterprise called Arzo, which is dedicated to helping merchants in countries ravaged by political turmoil, and a story about low or no cost summer camps in D.C. that offer unique experiences. I am so grateful for the opportunity to thrive at my internship here and this internship has definitely prepared me for the real world before I graduate in May.