Tax News and Analysis at Bloomberg BNA
By Dean’s Intern Courtney Rozen at Bloomberg BNA
It’s been an honor to serve as a Dean’s Intern at Bloomberg BNA.
I work on the accounting team (while helping out on the tax desk). I report and write stories for Bloomberg Tax, a platform that provides news and analysis for tax professionals. I enjoy working on these teams because they’re challenging me to write both quick hits and deeply reported stories. There’s also quite a few AU alums across the company and I’ve enjoyed meeting them.
This week, I wrote about how the new tax law is affecting nonprofits. An editor on the tax team taught me about the topic and helped me shape the story. It ran in Daily Tax Report, which is one of Bloomberg Tax’s publications.
Another highlight has been learning from reporters and editors on the tax team. For example, my supervisor is helping me learn about the accounting beat and sharpen my writing skills. They also pair each intern with a mentor reporter. Last week, I shadowed my mentor on Capitol Hill and learned about covering Congress.
The group of interns at BNA is also great. They are from schools across the country and none of them go to school in D.C. It’s been a great getting to know them and show them my home in the district. I’m looking forward to the rest of the summer.