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  • mdekuyper 2:25 pm on August 28, 2015 Permalink

    Intern/Producer at Interface Media Group 

    McKinnon interviewing two subjects for a short video she produced about IMG’s work with the National Museum of the American Indian.

    By Dean’s Intern McKinnon DeKuyper, Interface Media Group and Scripps Howard Foundation grantee

    In my previous post, I discussed how my first four weeks at IMG were spent rotating through the different departments. Throughout this first phase, I learned how a multimedia production company works while performing various tasks for who I was shadowing.

    At the end of this period, the VP of Operations asked me how I envisioned the rest of my summer. I didn’t hesitate to answer, I wanted my own project. I wanted to get into the thick of video production with a team of professionals. (More …)

  • mdekuyper 3:40 pm on June 23, 2015 Permalink

    Say Yes – A Summer at IMG 

    McKinnon at Interface Media Group

    By Dean’s Intern McKinnon de Kuyper at Interface Media Group.

    NOTE: McKinnon was selected as SOC’s first Scripps Howard Foundation scholar. Through a generous grant award of $3,500, the Foundation provided McKinnon with the opportunity to work with Interface and broaden her professional skills in multimedia and digital communication.

    I have a desk. I’ve sat at it once in three weeks. When surrounded by the talented staff at Interface Media Group, there is no reason to be stationary. Instead, I buzz about the various departments attempting to soak in as much information and advice as I possibly can. I could say I’m an intern, but I’m more like a sponge. (More …)

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