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  • syan 4:35 am on September 27, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , , Newseum   

    First day lessons: Internship at The Newseum 

    IMG_0212By Dean’s Intern Yan Shi at Newseum

    “Don’t be afraid to break things. You learn more by breaking things, and things can be fixed.”

    “Don’t be afraid to ask questions.”

    In other words, don’t be afraid.

    The above are pieces of advice from the video editor (my supervisor) for the broadcast productions department and the director of broadcast technology at The Newseum. Needlessly to say, I’ve been heeding that advice and taking advantage of the fantastic opportunities that I’m offered while I’m interning as the video production/broadcast technology intern. The internship combines both my  fields of interest, broadcast journalism and computer science, and puts them into a neat package that allows me to get a glimpse into both worlds.

    (More …)

  • cchen 4:58 pm on October 21, 2014 Permalink
    Tags: , Newseum   

    Adapt, Overcome and Improve! 

    Cheng Chen at the Newseum

    By Dean’s Intern Cheng Chen at Newseum

    After ending my summer internship at a video production company, I have a clearer sense of what I want to do and what I am good at – producing and editing. Since then, I didn’t slow my pace down and this semester I joined the broadcasting department of Newseum as a video editor.

    For the past month, I was asked to help prepare and edit a film about Vietnam War, which will premiere at the Newseum next year. This film looks back on the history and investigates how the Vietnam War was covered by the press and how the coverage of press impacted the outcome of the war. Its purpose it is to help Americans understand the role of US in Vietnam War 50 years ago. We gathered tons of valuable materials and interviewed journalists who witnessed of the war. This film is very educational and it makes me feel like my efforts are more meaningful. (More …)

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