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  • bernaelibuyuk 10:55 pm on September 24, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , , USA TODAY   

    Visual Storytelling at USA TODAY 

    Taking a selfie at USA TODAY during a lunch break

    Taking a selfie at USA TODAY during a lunch break

    By Dean’s Intern Berna Elibuyuk at USA TODAY

    Walking in on my first day at USA TODAY I was hesitant just as any new intern would be. I was ecstatic to have been given the opportunity to work alongside the design team at a place where breaking news and stories are constantly being told every minute of the day. I was given a wonderfully warm welcome by my supervisor and everyone on the design team and, later on, given a tour of where I would be working for the next couple of months. It is truly amazing to see what goes on behind the scenes at such a fast paced environment. I never realized how much creative work goes into USA TODAY’s newspaper and website on a daily basis. From info graphics for print and web, to interactive media on the web and for mobile, USA TODAY’s design team is on top of their creative game! (More …)

  • akorba 2:48 pm on September 24, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , , USA TODAY   

    Are You Not Entertained?: Interning With USA Today Entertainment 



    What’s an entertainment intern without a selfie?

    By Dean’s Intern Alexandra Korba, USA Today Entertainment

    Hi there!

    My name is Alexandra Korba and I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to intern with USA Today Entertainment this fall. A little background on me: I’m a senior at AU, double majoring in IR and Film. I’ve done various film and TV-centric internships before but never anything news based, though it’s always been high on my internship bucket list. Naturally, I was beyond stoked when the Entertainment section reached out to me to work with them. It’s been a perfect fit: I get to harness all my television/film/celebrity geekiness and translate it into articles that actually get published online! I have a whole page of bylines already and my portfolio is thanking me. (More …)

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