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  • socdeansintern 3:35 pm on October 27, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , Discovery Channel, discovery communications,   

    Soaring to new heights at Discovery 

    Ferreira, Carly DiscoveryWorkShotBy Dean’s Intern Carly Ferreira at Discovery Communications

    My Time on the Media Strategy and Analytics Team (Rotation #2)

    I truly have learned so much in so little time. On September 8th, I walked into the doors of the huge Discovery Communications building, ready and excited to embrace my next adventure. I was excited to be back here but knew it would be a different experience. During the summer, I was on the insights and research team and absolutely loved my time there, working on consumer insights and research. My new team, however, was much bigger. The media strategy and analytics team was now 35-40 people and I was the only intern. I also knew absolutely nothing about media strategy and analytics, but I remained open minded and eager to learn, which soon paid off.

    (More …)

  • hannahsedgwick 11:57 am on August 8, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , discovery communications, discovery intern,   

    Press Releases & Even More Puppies at Animal Planet 

    By Dean’s Intern Hannah Sedgwick at Animal Planet

    My internship with the communications team at Animal Planet has absolutely exceeded my expectations. And yes, the puppies might have something to do with it.

    Hanging out at Animal Planet's puppy cam pool party with two of my new best friends.

    Hanging out at Animal Planet’s puppy cam pool party with two of my new best friends.

    I spend the bulk of my time typing away at press releases, media lists, pitches and episode descriptions for upcoming Animal Planet shows. It’s been such an incredible experience to see what happens behind the scenes at one of the coolest networks around. I’ve had  real, substantial experiences that with undoubtedly be a huge help when I start my MA in Strategic Communication on August 31st. Like I said in my previous post, I don’t really have a background in PR but it’s a career path I would love to pursue in the future. Having these on-the-job experiences in advance of starting my formal schooling on the subject will be invaluable. (More …)

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