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  • janakleemeier 8:57 pm on October 4, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , Nat Geo, , National Geographic Channel, NGC, Washington DC   

    Beyond the Yellow Border 

    Checking out that yellow borderBy Dean’s Intern Jana Kleemeier at National Geographic

    Hi! My name is Jana Kleemeier and I’m a senior majoring in PR & Strategic Communications and minoring in Marketing. I am thrilled to have this opportunity to share my experiences adventuring with the National Geographic Channels.

    First, let me give you a quick intro about myself. I was born in Chicago, moved from the US to Saudi Arabia when I was 6-years-old. I grew up on an American compound on the Eastern Provence of Saudi with my family. The friends I grew up with are from every continent of the world. Because Saudi is so centrally located, traveling to exotic countries (unlike the US) is not taboo. It was growing up in Saudi where I realized I wanted to end up working for a company that stood for something bigger than itself… what better place to intern for than National Geographic?

    (More …)

  • Maeghan Crociata 1:44 pm on April 21, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: Aloha Vet, , , , marketing, National Geographic Channel   

    Aloha from National Geographic 

    Maeghan says “aloha” to NGC with Nat Geo WILD’s Aloha Vet, Dr. Scott Sims

    By Dean’s Intern Meaghan Crociata at National Geographic

    Did you know that “aloha” in Hawaiian means “hello” AND “goodbye”? As the semester comes to a close, I wanted to give my last aloha to National Geographic Channel and reflect on my time as an intern. Interning for National Geographic Channel has taught me so much about the entertainment industry, the different avenues of marketing and communications and most importantly, giving me insight about my choice of career. (More …)

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