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  • socdeansintern 10:10 am on October 28, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , National Geographic   

    Learning the ropes at National Geographic 

    Litman, Eugene at NatGeoBy Dean’s Intern Eugene Litman at National Geographic

    Hi! My name is Eugene Litman and I’m a senior double majoring in Business Administration & Film and Media Arts with a marketing specialization. I grew up in the D.C. suburbs and my mom is actually a career counselor at AU. That being said, I definitely know the importance of internships during college, and I’m very excited to now be a Dean’s intern.

    After spending a semester interning in the marketing department for Discovery, I decided to check out its competition.

    (More …)

  • socdeansintern 1:30 pm on October 27, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , , National Geographic   

    Tips on Landing a Great Internship 

    Burgess, Alicia at National Geographic

    By Dean’s Intern Alicia Burgess at National Geographic

    I would highly recommend pursuing a Dean’s Internship. If you’re serious about pursuing a career in media, this will really propel you and put your foot in the door of respected organizations.  I never knew how much of a supportive community Dean’s Internships had before I started, but my supervisor at NatGeo is an AU alum and started there as an intern too.

    That being said, most internships, and especially Dean’s Internships, don’t just fall in your lap, so if you want some hints, read on!
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  • hannahsedgwick 11:44 am on October 21, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , National Geographic   

    Wagging Tails at Animal Planet 

    Sedwick, Hannah -- selfie at AnPlanetBy Dean’s Intern Hannah Sedgwick at Animal Planet

    I’m thrilled and honored to be invited back to the Fall 2015 SOC Dean’s Intern cohort. I’m back for another round of interning with Animal Planet’s communications them and a third round of interning at Discovery Communications in Silver Spring, MD.

    Like I’ve said in my previous posts, interning at Discovery has been such an incredible experience. Working at Animal Planet has given me an even better view of the PR world. Since June, I’ve been working primarily on local pitches for shows like “Finding Bigfoot,” “Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet” and “Rugged Justice” as well as a few upcoming shows. When I walk into my apartment, my roommates are almost always watching Animal Planet and I take a lot of pride in the fact that I can give a plot synopsis for the episode and recite it verbatim. (More …)

  • janakleemeier 8:57 pm on October 4, 2015 Permalink
    Tags: , , Nat Geo, National Geographic, , NGC, Washington DC   

    Beyond the Yellow Border 

    Checking out that yellow borderBy Dean’s Intern Jana Kleemeier at National Geographic

    Hi! My name is Jana Kleemeier and I’m a senior majoring in PR & Strategic Communications and minoring in Marketing. I am thrilled to have this opportunity to share my experiences adventuring with the National Geographic Channels.

    First, let me give you a quick intro about myself. I was born in Chicago, moved from the US to Saudi Arabia when I was 6-years-old. I grew up on an American compound on the Eastern Provence of Saudi with my family. The friends I grew up with are from every continent of the world. Because Saudi is so centrally located, traveling to exotic countries (unlike the US) is not taboo. It was growing up in Saudi where I realized I wanted to end up working for a company that stood for something bigger than itself… what better place to intern for than National Geographic?

    (More …)

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