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  • socdeansintern 4:46 pm on April 17, 2020 Permalink

    Interning in the Time of COVID-19 

    By Dean’s Intern Willard West at NBC4

    UnknownThroughout my internship on the digital desk at NBC Washington, my favorite thing was being in the newsroom. It was filled with noise — a police scanner constantly buzzing, an editor yelling instructions to the news chopper or across the room to a reporter, reporters chatting about the news of the day. The sounds helped to make it exciting and new every day.

    Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, I would key into the newsroom, and as the sliding doors opened, noise would erupt into the hall. It was invigorating. With a mug of coffee in hand, I would sit down and start cutting videos from broadcasts, turning police statements and information from reporters in the field into stories for the website.

    As coronavirus started spreading in DC, we were forced to start working from home. Thankfully, I can still do my internship from my home in Wisconsin. I was never in a position where I was helping make TV, so I was fortunate enough to continue my internship. I help make information and segments from TV accessible on the internet, though we also produce a fair amount of original content. 

    Now I help produce web content from my childhood bedroom and kitchen table. The newsroom noises I loved to have humming in the background have been replaced by my dog’s barking and my family. I’m in a very privileged position to still be working (well, at least until May 8) during this difficult period for so many, and to have the support of my family in a comfortable home with plenty to eat. But it still feels as though I’ve slid backwards.

    I know practically everyone else in my graduating class faces much uncertainty ahead. But in this time of social isolation, it is impossible not to feel somewhat alone. While things can seem a bit bleak right now, we have a lot to look forward to. And we have learned a new kind of resilience through this experience.

  • socdeansintern 4:36 pm on April 13, 2020 Permalink

    NBC’s Meet the Press One Day at a Time 

    By Dean’s Intern Hannah Rabinowitz at NBC’s Meet the Press

    Hannah RabinowitzYou never quite know what the day will bring at NBC’s Meet the Press. Meet the Press, which is the longest running program in television history, hosts U.S. and world leaders every week to discuss the news. You never know who you’re going to meet — particularly during an election cycle and a presidential impeachment.

    During the week, I participate in staff meetings to discuss and plan out the show every Sunday. I help to cut and transcribe news clips that could potentially go to air, as well as source images and data for graphics. Once guests are booked (this past week we had presidential hopefuls Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar), I work to compile every public statement and interview they have given in the past few months, highlighting what’s particularly interesting or of relevance. I do the same with every print article by and about that guest, every tweet they have posted, and essentially anything in print about that guest. I then use the print and transcript research to write questions and propose graphics for the show. I also assist in the control room for Meet the Press Daily during the week.

    Bright and early on Sundays, I get in and help put together any last minute research or transcription that may be required. After sitting in for lighting checks on set, I rotate between running social media posts during the show, checking graphics, greeting and shuttling guests and audience members, cutting and verbating live interviews for advertising, and working in the control room. After the show airs, I help with cutting and posting the Chuck Toddcast, scheduling and reposting social media posts, and editing transcriptions of the show.

    Meet the Press offers you endless opportunities to develop your own reporting and production skills as an integral part of the team. And bagels on Sunday mornings are the cherry on top!

  • socdeansintern 2:10 pm on March 5, 2020 Permalink

    Behind the Scenes at Voice of America 

    By Dean’s Intern Simin Ma at Voice of America

    Simin MaAs I grew up, I found myself pursuing many different dreams. I wanted to be an educator, an interpreter, and a traveler. Looking back, I have come to realize that I have followed all of these dreams by becoming a journalist. Being a journalist means always working in the front line and getting the first-hand information for the audience. As a journalist, you must travel and communicate complex issues to non-experts to inform a broad audience.

    This spring, I’m honored to have the opportunity to work as a production intern for the weekly show Plugged in with Greta Van Susteren at Voice of America. It’s a 30-min show hosted by the well-known anchor Greta Van Susteren. The show examines and communicates US policy and global issues to international audiences. As a production intern, I mainly conduct research for the producers, write factoids for the program, as well as contributing show ideas at the editorial meetings. So far, I’ve assisted with episodes including Super Tuesday,  Coronavirus Global Outbreak and Lesson from Auschwitz. On top of that, I and the other two interns are given an awesome opportunity to pitch and produce a show on our own, so we are currently doing research on our show idea and will hopefully make it on air.

    The show airs weekly on Wednesday morning, as part of the team, I’m able to sit in the control room to see how the producers put the show together. There are always lots of screaming and laughing in the control room, which is hard to imagine from just looking at the show. What the audience sees is only the people on the screen, however, there are many more people behind the screen to work together to deliver the show. Yet, whether we work on the screen or behind the screen, we journalists are all working on bringing the audience the most updated and accurate information.

  • socdeansintern 10:41 am on March 2, 2020 Permalink

    Honing Journalism Skills at Current 

    By Dean’s Intern Grace Vitaglione at Current

    Grace VitaglioneI have loved public media since I was a kid; some of my earliest memories consist of listening to NPR programs on morning car rides. This internship only intensified that passion for public media within me. At Current, I get to report on what’s happening in public media and provide that news to professionals in the field. This has given me a deeper understanding of how the systems of public media operate, and I continue to learn more with each new story. It’s also allowed me to connect with inspiring people who work in public media all over the country.

    A typical day at Current involves a morning “huddle” meeting where the news staff updates each other on our work, before I spend the rest of the day reporting on and writing my stories. Being allowed to pitch, interview and write my own stories has honed my journalistic skills so much, and I really enjoy working with the editorial team here. They give me great feedback on my writing and are always supportive of my story ideas. I also have to admit that working where Current is located in the WAMU building (one of my dream places to work) is a huge plus!

    My staff profile: https://current.org/author/grace-vitaglione/

  • socdeansintern 10:36 am on March 2, 2020 Permalink

    On Top of the World at Voice of America 

    By Dean’s Intern Andriana Gregovic at Voice of America

    Andriana GregovicMy time at Voice of America has been great! The employees I work with are so kind and helpful, and I know I can always go to them if I have a question or need help on anything. In fact, everyone I’ve met at VOA has been amazing, and they all make sure the other interns and I are getting the most out of our internship.

    One day early on in the semester, one of the employees I work with, Damir, took me and the other interns I work with up to the roof of VOA, where certain language services broadcast from. He explained a lot of the history of VOA, and told stories about watching people fill in the streets for the inaugurations of both Obama and Trump (the building VOA is in has a perfect view of the Capitol Building and a lot of employees went to the roof to watch the inaugurations). Damir didn’t have to take the time out of his day to show us this part of Voice of America, especially since it had little to do with our daily tasks of video editing and headline writing, but he did. It helped bring the interns and I into VOA’s world a little more, and made us feel more connected to the organization we worked for (and, we got some awesome pictures!).View of Capitol

    I’m so glad I have the opportunity to intern at such a historical and welcoming organization, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of my time here holds!

    Works (I wrote the headlines, and chose and edited to footage together):




  • socdeansintern 11:57 am on February 25, 2020 Permalink

    My New Normal at CNN 

    By Dean’s Intern Mariah Espada at CNN

    Mariah EspadaA normal week at CNN, the worldwide leader of news, is far from normal.

    In just a few weeks of my news gathering internship, I have been able to take part in breaking news during one of the most formative times in political history. What I have learned most from the experience is that what appears to be a seemingly flawless show from the comfort of one’s home, is in fact the result of countless moving pieces.

    My responsibilities at the bureau have varied. During the 45th president’s impeachment trial, late evenings were logging potential SOT’s for producers to use in their stories. Many days have included rehearsing as an anchor stand-in in preparation of the network’s primary and caucus coverage for early voting states and a highly anticipated Super Tuesday night. Other days have consisted of answering phones for the assignment desk, participating in technical news application trainings, conducting research for the 2020 election, shadowing producers in the control room and assisting various talent during their live panel hits. My personal favorite has been my time on the Hill where I spend countless hours chasing senators and representatives down to ask pressing questions of the day.

    With the countless components necessary to make an operation of this magnitude possible, it is evident that no one job is more important than the other— even if it’s just going on coffee runs for tireless reporters. (Caffeine is important!) Now, after over a decade of being a consumer of CNN’s coverage, I can say so far my time with the team has been just as magical as my 12-year-old self had hoped for it to be.

  • socdeansintern 3:02 pm on February 17, 2020 Permalink

    Storyboarding for Impact at Voice of America 

    By Dean’s Intern Vanessa Montalbano at Voice of America

    Vanessa MontalbanoIn the Documentary and Special Projects Unit at Voice of America, no day is ever quite the same. But, everyday is certainly exciting. I work alongside Senior Executive Producer Beth Mendelson, and I like to think of us as partners in crime. Since my first day on the job, I have felt like an integral part of the staff and not just as an intern. Right now we are in the re-production phase of a documentary about Press Freedom in Turkey. That is, we have a completed documentary that needs a bit of renovation. So, most days, we juggle with a seven hour time difference from Turkey to talk on the phone with our on-the-field producer about possible characters, links, and footage that could enhance our story—without drawing too much attention to the project. This fear stems from Turkey being among the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists to work and live freely.

    Usually, by noon, the floor of the office is blanketed with a map of paperwork, articles, thumbnails, and photos that only Beth and I are able to comprehend. We are storyboarding. This process is probably the most exciting for me, as I am able to work hands-on with material that will eventually become something that is important, impactful, and out in the world. The flow of such a documentary has to be perfect, so we put a ton of consideration into this exercise. Prior to my internship at VOA, I’ve never really considered a career in documentary filmmaking. Now, however, I am enamored by it. I have come to realize that this one of the most effective and empathetic channels of storytelling that allows you to reach an incredible audience. The possibilities are endless. In the coming weeks, I expect my time here to be just as thrilling and encouraging. Also, I am looking forward to learning more about the ins and outs of the film industry as deadlines approach for applications into national and international film festivals.

  • socdeansintern 12:54 pm on January 9, 2020 Permalink

    Life long goals coming true at PBS 

    By Dean’s Intern Pedraam Faridjoo at PBS

    Pedraam FaridjooIt’s rare enough to find an internship that is relevant to your major and interests, but it’s even
    rarer to intern somewhere that you have been a fan of since you were a toddler!

    This has been my experience at PBS, where I worked as a media production intern at over the
    summer. My days were spent working on internal packages that showcased life at PBS, such as
    a video highlighting “Bring Your Child to Work Day” that was shown at a company-wide meeting
    and a more practical package of the company’s move to a new building to be shown at

    When not shooting or editing, I had the privilege of spending time with and shadowing
    employees at all levels of the production process, from editing to quality control to children’s
    programming. It was here that I gained invaluable insight into the process of how a show

    evolves from a simple pitch to being broadcast on TVs around the country. Learning about the
    intricacies at every step of the process gave me a profound appreciation for the work behind
    every show or documentary, and made me more excited than ever to join the world of film and

    It was absolutely amazing to hear from professionals currently working in the field, as well as
    hearing about more things than I expected, like movie poster collections and the stories behind
    some of my favorite childhood cartoons.

    Interning at PBS was my first true experience working in the entertainment industry, and I
    couldn’t have asked for a better introduction into the world I plan on entering after graduation.

  • socdeansintern 3:49 pm on December 18, 2019 Permalink

    Editing Globally at Voice of America 

    Stephanie MirahBy Dean’s Intern Stephanie Mirah at Voice of America

    At Voice of America, I work in the Media Lab (alongside Grace Vitaglione) editing 4-5 headlines for four different regions – America, Asia, Africa and the World – into 60-second videos on Adobe Premiere. My fellow interns and I also record a stand-up of 3 extended headlines for America’s news of the day. We do this project in both English and Portuguese.

    This internship has provided me with some of the richest moments of this semester. It is difficult to select one moment that stands-out among the rest, so I will highlight some of my favorites. I enjoyed becoming a stronger video editor and concise headline writer. I enjoyed picking-up on some conversational Portuguese as I edited the Portuguese product. “Bom fim-de-semana” roughly translates to “Have a good weekend!” I enjoyed becoming more geographically aware and broadening my news consumption past the United States. I enjoyed become (slightly) addicted to hazelnut black coffee. I needed something to help me power through those early mornings and my supervisors also do not keep creamer or sugar in the office so I had to adapt. But, most of all, I enjoyed working within such a warm and welcoming environment. My fellow interns become some of my closest friends over the past semester, and my supervisors supported me professionally while also remaining two of the most genuine people I have ever met. I will be sad to leave, yet I am happy that this internship has provided me with some wonderful friendships and practical skills that are easily transferable to my later endeavors.

  • socdeansintern 3:18 pm on December 18, 2019 Permalink

    Reporting from Outside the Box 

    By Dean’s Intern Ayelet Sheffey at The Durango Herald

    Ayelet SheffeyReducedSizeWhen my editor asked me to cover the first public impeachment hearing, I experienced what some might call “imposter syndrome,” in that I did not believe that I belonged alongside the reporters from the large news organizations who were covering the same thing. But nevertheless, I set my alarm for 5am on that Wednesday morning, commuted to Capitol Hill and began to make a game plan on how I would go about my coverage.

    I knew that every news organization would be covering the content of the hearing, so I decided to do something a bit different – cover what was going on outside of the hearing.

    For about an hour, I stood in the hallway and watched the general public line slowly grow, and when I finally decided to start walking up to random people in line and ask what brought them to the hearing, I was faced with a lot of “I don’t want to be on record,” “I can’t give you my name,” or simply an “I don’t know.”

    I was hungry, tired, my feet hurt and I wasn’t exactly in the mood to confront another hostile hearing attendee, but I wasn’t going to walk away without a story, so I headed toward the lobby to see if anything was going on there. As I was walking, a woman wearing an “Arrest Trump” sweatshirt walked by, and I knew that there had to be a story there, so I stopped her, and after interviewing her, my story took off.

    I ended up talking to a drag queen, a group of people who had been camping outside of the White House for ten days, high school students who traveled to attend the hearing, and the day after the hearing, I interviewed Rep. Scott Tipton of Colorado’s Third Congressional District on his thoughts after the hearing. If there’s one thing I learned from my experience covering the hearing, it would be the importance of getting over imposter syndrome and recognizing that a 20-year-old intern from a small paper in Colorado has just as much right to be there as the 50-year-old from NBC. And also to wear more comfortable shoes next time.

    Link to my clips:


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